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Ababil Electronics Online Store may, in its sole discretion, refuse or cancel any order and limit order quantity.Ababil Electronics Online Store may also require additional qualifying information prior to accepting or processing any order. Once we receive your online order, we’ll provide you with an email order confirmation. Your receipt of an order confirmation, act as acceptance of your order. The Ababil Electronics Online Store reserves the right at any time after receiving your order to accept or decline your order for any reason. IfAbabil Electronics Online Store cancels an order after you have already been billed,Ababil Electronics Online Store will refund the billed amount.

Return Policy :
We always care about our beloved customers.To provide them more stable service and an good experience ,we provide return and exhange for the defective or inacurate or incomlete products.Here are the conditions for return or exchange or refund of any order .
.Any product could be return by customers after placing the order .
.If the product comes with any kind of damage or inaccurate condition.
.if the product were any manufacturing defact or foult .
.customers can return the product if it was broken by the delivery person of
our company.

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55/A,Bangabandhu National Stadium Market,DHAKA-1000.
Hotline : +8801612373500, +8801322076147